Level editor (and more!)

After teasing it nearly a month ago, I finally finished the level editor and it's ready to go! Alongside many other changes to the game's interface, I would like to go through the features of the level editor to provide a guideline to all who want to check it out at its full potential.

New main menu puts all the features in one place and shows a demo-battle between two AI-guild members, once the match is done, you can let another demo run in place. I got inspired by loading-screen minigames and wanted to put some of the game's action in your first sight.

From here, you can click the Editor button to visit the level editor.

Resizing the board is the most simple operation here, where boards of 3×3 to 8×8 can be the basis of your levels.

After you decide on your board, placing mages is as easy as selecting a tile, and clicking the Plus button.

Selecting any mage on the board, you can change their team, pattern, and mana via the side bar.

Moving them around is as easy as double-selecting a mage and placing it elsewhere. You can delete mages via selecting them and right-clicking, or using the Trash button at the side.

Starting a battle is possible from within the editor is easy too, you can play all modes available in the Arena.

Your level is still available in the editor via the side menu! clicking the Leave button, or once the game is over.

Sharing your levels is made possible with level codes, accessible with the Save button (which also saves your level in memory so you can immediately work on it again). The Load button in the side bar gives you the option to use level codes to load them into the editor in turn.

I worked very hard on these features and I hope that they're helpful to you! I wish you enjoy my game as much as I do, and I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback on Twitter too.

Major shout-outs to @MrmoTarius for all his work on the game's assets, and all my sewer friends.

...and of course, follow me on @evrimzone for more updates ahead of these posts!

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