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Completely froze December first and couldn't reload (same issue)

I'll take a look at the code and see what might be causing the crash. Could you provide a bit more in details on what you were up to before the crash? Does it happen after you reload, or does it immediately crash as you reload?

(1 edit)

The 'crash' just happened during normal gameplay, everything stopped, calendar is the only trigger I could imagine as I wasn't doing anything too fancy

Reloading just reloads it to that frozen, uninteractable state, no moment of working - baked into the savestate (but also no error message popup or closing the game- maybe that's just engine differences, wouldn't know)

*Might've been coincidentally fixed in the latest version? Don't seem to be having the issue persisting at a glance

It's possible it got fixed as I'm actively working through outstanding bugs. The language I'm using does indeed 'stop it all' whenever it comes to certain basic cases like subtracting numbers incorrectly—can be a pain...

Calendar based failures can be due to the reporting system, although I can't tell right now what went wrong.

I'm glad it's gone though! Thanks a lot for the report.

(2 edits)

7 November 2100 seems to be a trigger for me as well.

in console i get:

panicked at client/src/

called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: JsValue(QuotaExceededError: Failed to execute 'setItem' on 'Storage': Setting the value of 'electrobillion_save' exceeded the quota.

QuotaExceededError: Failed to execute 'setItem' on 'Storage': Setting the value of 'electrobillion_save' exceeded the quota.


    at handleError (

    at imports.wbg.__wbg_setItem_7a9a3aaeafde3c1f (

    at client.wasm.__wbg_setItem_7a9a3aaeafde3c1f externref shim ([13132]:0x472ef8)

    at client.wasm.web_sys::features::gen_Storage::Storage::set_item::hbbe8d6ebcd4b222f ([1884]:0x2ebd63)

    at client.wasm.client::Application::save_game::h6af248587261abd2 ([384]:0x14770b)

    at client.wasm.client::Application::handle_calendar_signal::h0ab6ad6a0831ce20 ([3454]:0x37a207)

    at client.wasm.client::Application::process_signals::hd1df2df35f8a6c58 ([282]:0xec9f2)

    at client.wasm.client::Application::tick::h0d72a402ac437677 ([258]:0xcde1f)

    at client.wasm.client::start::{{closure}}::{{closure}}::h81c6e6d11170527c ([1771]:0x2dd89d))




    at logError (

    at imports.wbg.__wbg_new_8a6f238a6ece86ea (

    at client.wasm.__wbg_new_8a6f238a6ece86ea externref shim ([13120]:0x472e1a)

    at client.wasm.console_error_panic_hook::Error::new::hd47958cc8d15f0a3 ([8054]:0x427596)

    at client.wasm.console_error_panic_hook::hook_impl::hc46621f651ad1b83 ([2430]:0x327042)

    at client.wasm.console_error_panic_hook::hook::hc316ecdc600a28b7 ([12163]:0x469024)

    at client.wasm.core::ops::function::Fn::call::ha423acdadcbb9d41 ([9749]:0x4472b7)

    at client.wasm.std::panicking::rust_panic_with_hook::hc8c12923f7d7bb31 ([4565]:0x3b95e6)

    at client.wasm.std::panicking::begin_panic_handler::{{closure}}::h6740cd0671563129 ([5435]:0x3dddc5)

and the downloaded version gives javascript errors

love the game can't wait for steam version 


Oh man, this is extremely helpful! It looks like the save files are too large for the browsers. I will have to fix this asap, than you so much!


This has now been fixed and save files are significantly smaller. Hopefully no crash should be due to saving/loading anymore!


A great little game, and a fullscreen support will really nice


Thanks! Fullscreen is coming, itch has a button for it but it covers the game's interface...

Fairly certain the button goes away once it is fullscreen, and would then not be blocking anything
Nobody sane would play windowed if they had the choice

Fullscreen is now enabled, and there's also a downloadable version for Windows which you can fullscreen in!

Great demo 👍

My biggest suggestion is that there should be a way for the buildings to auto-upgrade themselves & increase their electric demands.

The houses actually do that already! You should see that some of them have one level, and the others two. The two-story ones consume twice as much energy, and are upgraded when the city decides to improve that block multiple times.


wow! great work! I’d love to volunteer some theme music if you intend to keep working on it.